We respect diversity,
and through the technologies, products,
and services we create
we will contribute to the development of
a sustainable society


Established Sakai aluminium Corporation.

Company Information


Product Information


Technology Introduction


Since 1933 when we began operating an integrated manufacturing plant in Sakai producing everything from aluminium sheets to containers, we have been developing technologies and products with the aim of becoming the number one company in the industry, while continuing integrated production from materials to processing.
Our products are produced through advanced production technologies with thorough quality control during each process, from melting and casting to rolling and finishing of sheet and foil products. They are used in various fields and contribute to the development of industry.
In particular, our aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitors, which utilizes our proprietary aluminium refining technology known as the "Cojunal Method," continues to lead the evolution of products and technologies as the industry's front-runner, backed by our high competitiveness in quality, cost, delivery, compatibility, and development.